Dastaan Noor

From Refugee Camp to Boardroom: The Inspiring Journey of Dastaan Noor

Life has a unique way of shaping us through experiences and challenges that often seem insurmountable. My journey from being born in a UN refugee camp to becoming the President of Noor Machinery has been filled with such challenges. Each step along the way has taught me invaluable lessons about resilience, determination, and the power of dreams. Today, I want to share my story with you, hoping it might inspire those facing their own obstacles.

Early Life in a Refugee Camp

I was born in a UN refugee camp, a place where uncertainty and hardship were daily realities. The camp was a melting pot of stories—of loss, hope, and survival. My family had fled conflict, seeking safety and a chance at a better life. Despite the bleak surroundings, my parents always emphasized the importance of education and hard work. They believed that no matter where we started, our dedication and perseverance could pave the way for a brighter future.

Adapting to Life in the UAE and Oman

When I was still very young, we moved to the UAE and later to Oman. These years were crucial in shaping my worldview. Adapting to new cultures and environments was challenging, but it also enriched my perspective. I learned to appreciate diversity and the importance of being open-minded. My parents worked tirelessly to provide for us, instilling in me the values of hard work and resilience. They were my first role models, showing me that even in the face of adversity, one could strive for a better life.

The Move to Canada

After spending several years in the Middle East, my family moved to Canada. This transition was another significant turning point in my life. Moving to a new country meant adapting once again—this time to a completely different climate, culture, and way of life. I attended Bell High School and later Algonquin College, where I studied Business Administration with a major in Accounting. Although I did not complete my degree at Ottawa University, the education I received laid the foundation for my future endeavors.

Career Beginnings and Defense Contracting

My career began in a rather unconventional way. I worked as a contractor for the Department of Defense in Afghanistan and later in the USA. This role was not only demanding but also incredibly rewarding. Working primarily with Special Forces, I learned the importance of discipline, strategic planning, and quick decision-making. These experiences taught me skills that would later prove invaluable in my business career. I also became fluent in five languages, which helped me connect with a diverse range of people and cultures.

Entering the World of Fitness

While building my career, I also developed a passion for fitness. Competing in natural men’s physique competitions in Toronto and Montreal was an incredible experience. I took first place in Toronto and fourth place in Montreal. These competitions taught me the importance of discipline, perseverance, and setting high standards for myself. Fitness became more than just a hobby—it was a way to channel my energy and stay focused on my goals.

Founding Noor Machinery

In 2015, I took a significant step by founding Noor Machinery, an industrial construction business. Starting my own company was both exciting and daunting. I faced numerous challenges, from securing funding to building a reliable team. However, my experiences in defense contracting and my education in business administration gave me the tools I needed to succeed. Today, Noor Machinery is a thriving business, known for its commitment to quality and innovation.

Philanthropy and Community Work

Throughout my journey, I have always believed in giving back to the community. My work with various NGOs and community organizations has been incredibly fulfilling. I have also received several medals for my service with the Canadian and American military, which are among my proudest achievements. These experiences have reinforced my belief in the power of community and the importance of helping others.

Reflections on Leadership and Success

Looking back on my journey, I realize that every challenge and setback has been a stepping stone to success. My experiences have taught me that true leadership involves not only achieving personal success but also inspiring and empowering others. As the President of Noor Machinery, I strive to create an environment where my team can thrive and innovate. I believe that a leader’s role is to guide, support, and uplift those around them.


From a refugee camp to the boardroom, my journey has been one of resilience, determination, and relentless pursuit of dreams. I hope that my story can inspire others to overcome their own challenges and strive for success, no matter where they start. Remember, it’s not about where you begin but how you use the experiences and lessons along the way to shape your future. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

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